The Power of Two Simple Questions

It was one of those days. Hectic. Crazy. One where nothing went according to plan. At one point, I accidentally threw my keys into the trashcan outside of Walgreens. Don't even ask how that happened. You should have seen the expression on the guy's face at the register when I explained why I needed help taking the lid off the trashcan. "Well you see, I threw my keys away...".    

I have learned to ask two simple questions in moments like these. They are:

How is this situation working for me?  


What am I here to learn?

This exercise was a game changer today.  

My dentist appointment started late and ended late. I had two cavities - one of which I just had filled a few months ago and is now cracked. BUT the time allowed me to have the most amazing conversation with my wonderful hygienist.

I thought I was all set to have a surgery next week (nothing major - a hernia repair) but I discovered today that there was a miscommunication with the office and my surgery was never actually scheduled. A slight problem given I was hoping to have the procedure done before our deductible resets in two weeks. After a few tears and many conversations with the office, I was able to get the surgery scheduled. But the only way to do it within this time-frame meant scheduling it on my daughter's first day of kindergarten. It also meant running around like a crazy person today doing the necessary pre-op bloodwork and appointments - all while trying to finagle the appropriate care for my two young girls. BUT in the midst of the angst and chaos, I realized what an amazing support system that I have. I have family and friends that would do absolutely anything for me. They instantly jumped in to help and massively rearranged their schedules to make sure I could get things taken care of today and have the surgery done next week. 

And as I was digging through the hot and stinky trashcan to find my keys, I was reminded of how important it is to be mindful and present. Something I understand but struggle to put into practice on a daily basis.

I go to bed now with a heart full of gratitude for the little things. For the amazing people in my life and for the gentle reminders to be more connected to the moment.

So the next time you have one of those days and the shizzat begins to hit the fan, try asking yourself one or both of these questions. They might just help you shift your perspective for the better too.


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